The Wonderful World of HTML5

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Dear Auditors, I present: Charlie Brooker

Want to read this article? Then enter your password via Charlie Brooker | Want to read this article? Then enter your password | Comment is free | The Guardian. Forgotten your password? That’ll be the 58th one you’ve not remembered this year, then. In days of yore, we’re told, people had less leisure time because…

Web Sequence Diagrams

Have been following up a tweet from fooflington… yes it does seem rather cool. With <I’m no expert> applied, I’ve been playing too… Here’s the text that generated it: user->form: provides feedback activate form form->form: validate form–>user: request amends alt if ‘content’ selected form->dept: email dept note right of dept left with dept to sort…


Just back from a quick trip to Mid Sweden University (or Mittuniversitetet). We were at the Östersund campus which is a little further north than the two other campuses, Härnösand and Sundsvall. [googlemaps,14.651163&sspn=0.015108,0.03721&ie=UTF8&view=map&cid=16486601166023273433&hq=university&hnear=&t=h&ll=63.188134,14.648895&spn=0.102517,0.274658&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Östersund is described as ‘the number one winter city’ and it was certainly picturesque – covered in snow and fairly chilly…

The internet – costing or saving the planet?

This article…  Schwarzenegger’s ebook plans are not a greener option California’s plans to drop traditional textbooks in favour of online material will no doubt spare a few trees – but Arnie should be choosing the greenest option by rolling out dedicated e-reader devices at the same time, says Duncan Graham-Rowe via Schwarzenegger’s ebook plans are…

Living in the cloud

Since I got this netbook I’ve been trying to live life more in the cloud. Now that I have Windows 7 RC on it, I think I need to stay there so that I don’t lose too much if/when I need to re-install. First off a few weeks ago I started getting our data backed…

Installing Windows 7 on my Samsung NC10 Netbook

Here are the steps I took. 1. Ask via Twitter whether or not this would be a good idea! Ben was kind enough to suggest that he would willingly let me try first… He was also kind enough  to point me at this helpful starting point 2. Step 1: formatting Couldn’t find a USB stick…

The Hannover Principles

One of the things I’d like to consider (pipe dream / pie in the sky time) is how me and my team might consider applying something like The Hannover Principles to our work. (As usual) I’m no expert, but I think the HPs are focussed on buildings and objects. We build web digital applications. Each time we…

More Drupal support

We’re currently using Drupal to build a CMS for the university I work at. It’s great to see it get more and more backing…  From an enterprise level, Sett Gottleib celebrates Finally, Drupal Gets Deployment. His post points to Greg Dunlap’s work on a Deploy module. Sett also references the Drush module which can handle filesystem level…

The Groundswell – figures for UK 2008

Just for the record really, but am reading The Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff from Forrester. They accompany the book with a website which includes a profile tool. For this to make sense you need to understand their “Social Technographics®” classifications which describe: Inactives, Spectators, Joiners, Collectors, Critics, and Creators. Their profile tool includes data…