At a work meeting today we had an exciting chance to see the emerging ideas for our University’s new library extension. These were presented by the architects who did a great presentation – very refined and to the point, and without too much “architectese”. They then turned the tables and set a workshop session for…
Tag: design
design, look and feel, layout, style
User manuals – don’ts and dos
Sometimes you don’t need a user manual… [youtube=] and sometimes you do… [youtube=] I prefer systems like the first one.
The Groundswell – figures for UK 2008
Just for the record really, but am reading The Groundswell by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff from Forrester. They accompany the book with a website which includes a profile tool. For this to make sense you need to understand their “Social Technographics®” classifications which describe: Inactives, Spectators, Joiners, Collectors, Critics, and Creators. Their profile tool includes data…
Tea bag splats
As of today, our Library has a nice new web site. Last week our IT Services were re-launched. Thousands of pages have been converted to a new template. New structures have been tested and implemented. New ideas have been included. Lots of consultation and feedback happened. Many stakeholders have pulled together and finally the work…
Duke's homepage: content is not King?
CMS Watch points to a Duke University homepage redesign – see before (left) and after (right) snapshots: This is a change from content-focused design to search-focused design. As a user you might find the new search version quicker, but CMS Watch points out: only if the search engine works. The content that was there hasn’t…
Header design with options
I like The Man in Blue’s header. A ‘Page Options’ tab elegantly opens to reveal some style sheet options. These look like accessibility-driven options but it got me thinking that this type of design could be used for other options: